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Gratis Bücher , by James Bradley Ron Powers

Gratis Bücher , by James Bradley Ron Powers

The option of you to read this book is not based on the force to review it. it will start to make you really feel that this publication is extremely correct to review in this time. If sometimes you will also write your ideas into a publication, learning kind this publication is a good way. , By James Bradley Ron Powers is not just the analysis book. It is a publication that has outstanding experience of the world. Guide inspires to obtain far better future. This is the reason you need to read this publication, even the soft file book, you could get it. This is what you need currently to test your concept of behavior.

, by James Bradley Ron Powers

, by James Bradley Ron Powers

, by James Bradley Ron Powers

Gratis Bücher , by James Bradley Ron Powers

Nach Ihrem soll immer die Ideen treffen alle zu erhalten, ist zur Zeit einfach. Anbindung an das Internet ist nur eine der Routen zu tun. Es gibt viele Ressourcen, die bieten und verbinden uns auch auf andere Welt Zustand. Als eines der Produkte in Web zu sehen, kommt diese Website eine sehr angebotenen Lage sein, für unzählige Ressourcen zu suchen. Ja, Ressourcen über die Bücher von Nationen auf dem Planeten gegeben.

, by James Bradley Ron Powers


Format: Kindle Ausgabe

Dateigröße: 5005 KB

Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 226 Seiten

Verlag: Delacorte Books for Young Readers (29. Februar 2012)

Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.

Sprache: Englisch


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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.6 von 5 Sternen

111 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

#792.611 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)

Man weiss heute, dass der Vater des Authors wohl doch nicht einer der Helden war, der beim Aufstellen der Fahne fotografiert wurde. Das schmälert weder den Einsatz des John "Doc" Bradley als Soldaten, noch die intensive Arbeit seines Sohnes James als Author. Die Ereignisse des Kampfes um den Mount Suribachi waren so undurchsichtig, dass es nicht die Verfehlung des Vaters war, dass eine ganze Nation ihn als einen besonderen Helden feierte, der er ja auch war.Die Erlebnisse vieler Soldaten sind für immer verblasst, wenn die Generation der Kriegsteilnehmer nicht mit ihren Nachkommen über ihre bewegte Geschichte spricht. Es ist vielen Veteranen auch nicht leicht gefallen über das Erlebte zu reden, zumal die Ereignisse im unmittelbaren Kampf so grausam waren, dass sie diese ihren Familien (und oft auch sich selbst) nicht zumuten wollten. Als Vergangenheitsbewältigung sicherlich ein Weg, wobei es aber wichtig ist, dass für kommende Generationen festgehalten wird, dass Krieg nicht ausschließlich heroisch und sauber ist.Es sterben Menschen unter häufig unbeschreiblichen Bedingungen. Dieses Buch leistet einen hervorragenden Beitrag, um das Vergessen zu verhindern.

ein super buch, auch wenn es auf englisch ist, ist es für deutsche super verständlich, besser als der film, da es auch viel weitläufiger ist, dennoch sollte man den film gesehen haben. da james bradley der sohn von john "doc" bradley ist, hat er die erzählungen seines vaters gut und mit bildern dargestellt.

If you are like me, you have a whole story built up in your mind around one of the most famous photographs in American history -- the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima. If you are also like me, there is little reality behind that story in your mind.Written by the son of one flag-raising Marine, this amazing story should be read by everyone. It tells a tale of heroism, horrible circumstances, and the lasting consequences of an unexpected event in a compelling, unforgettable way. This book rivals All Quiet on the Western Front for its revealing insights into the nature of war, comradeship, and courage.To set the stage, Iwo Jima was the first Japanese soil the Marines invaded. The Emperor had issued orders that the ground was to be defended to the last man. Iwo Jima was filled with tunnels that harbored over 20,000 Japanese troops who could shoot from relative safety while Americans were out in the open. The tunnel system was so extensive that Marines would literally be kidnapped while standing next to their buddies, and no one would know where they had gone. Rocks would suddenly open up to reveal mortars.Tough fighting went on for days. The Marines lost 7,000 dead and had another 15,000 or more wounded out of 70,000 men. Ironically, the worst of the fighting came after the flag photograph, and three of the six Marines in the photograph died in this later action.As tough as Iwo Jima was, living with the aftermath of the photograph was even harder in many ways. Two of the three survivors had their lives deeply affected in negative ways. The story of all three riveted me more than anything I have read in years.I read fairly few books about war, but I cannot recommend this book enough to you. As Americans we owe it to those who fought in this battle to remember what actually happened and what the repercussions are. You will be moved at a deeper level than you can possibly imagine by this outstanding book.Seriously, five stars are just too few for a monumental book like this one. This book is an instant classic that should live for all time!

If you are like me, you have a whole story built up in your mind around one of the most famous photographs in American history -- the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima. If you are also like me, there is little reality behind that story in your mind.Written by the son of one flag-raising Marine, this amazing story should be read by everyone. It tells a tale of heroism, horrible circumstances, and the lasting consequences of an unexpected event in a compelling, unforgettable way. This book rivals All Quiet on the Western Front for its revealing insights into the nature of war, comradeship, and courage.To set the stage, Iwo Jima was the first Japanese soil the Marines invaded. The Emperor had issued orders that the ground was to be defended to the last man. Iwo Jima was filled with tunnels that harbored over 20,000 Japanese troops who could shoot from relative safety while Americans were out in the open. The tunnel system was so extensive that Marines would literally be kidnapped while standing next to their buddies, and no one would know where they had gone. Rocks would suddenly open up to reveal mortars.Tough fighting went on for days. The Marines lost 7,000 dead and had another 15,000 or more wounded out of 70,000 men. Ironically, the worst of the fighting came after the flag photograph, and three of the six Marines in the photograph died in this later action.As tough as Iwo Jima was, living with the aftermath of the photograph was even harder in many ways. Two of the three survivors had their lives deeply affected in negative ways. The story of all three riveted me more than anything I have read in years.I read fairly few books about war, but I cannot recommend this book enough to you. As Americans we owe it to those who fought in this battle to remember what actually happened and what the repercussions are. You will be moved at a deeper level than you can possibly imagine by this outstanding book.Seriously, five stars are just too few for a monumental book like this one. This book is an instant classic that should live for all time!

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